Thursday, March 26, 2009

March, 26th 2009

Hi, blogger

Today left me questioning a few things. One point is the program costs are now up my $5,200.00 if I want ASU credit for the study abroad. I do. In order to complete my 6 internship credits, which I can accomplish by doing a creative project, I need to enroll as a full time ASU studnet abroad. So the purpose to earn 6+ credits will add $5,200.00 to total cost. $29,000.00 + $5,200.00= $34,200.00. It raised my need to $34,200.00-$19,000.00=$15,200.00. Time to reach further. There is money out there. There are people who are willing to give. We need to reach them! I have been judiciously hitting the scholarhip market lately. There is promise. Firstly in my department at Arizona State University. Speaking with the director of Global Studies Scholarships. It looks promissing that I will recieve a SGS intership scholarship! YES! $500.00 or more. That is a great promise. Lets keep our fingers crossed on that one people. Also, I have two more scholarhip dealines approaching. First an ASU $1500.00 undergradute research scholarhip. The Wu scholarhip is not an opportunity to pass. Second, a $8000.00 undegraduate study abroad grant. The Gilman Scholarhip is a big one I have a 39% chance of receing it (based on last years stats). Wish me luck on writing those essays. :). Looking around, I need to remember to not try to do everything in one day. No compounding! I need your help Fundraising team. What can you give?

Thank you very much



Listening to Steve Aoki helps me think lately. This is definately an airplane chronicle.
Keep it professional.


1 comment:

  1. I had a similar issue, learning I have to be registered for at least 3 sgs internship credits over the summer, while originally they were just going to let me take them in the fall. Such is life.
