Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Project Abstract: Descibes My Ongoing Study

My study is on the Global Media and global warming-climate change. My research has brought me to look at both sides of the global warming and climate change debate. I look at known liberal news sources and how those news journals portray climate change. I look at known conservative news sources and how those news journals portray global warming. Data poses the question, how is the media shaping the public's view on the importance of the environment vs. the importance of the economy. The liberal media is over generalizing global warming into the broad term climate change. The conservative media is highly critical of that. It is calling for scientific data to prove global warming is on going. Climate change is no longer an issue of contest. However, my research will prove that liberal media sources are confusing subscribers into thinking that climate change and global warming are in fact the same issue. Climate change is a naturally occurring phenomena, however, confusing climate change with global warming could have drastic effects on the growth of the economy.
My study looks at the assumptions of the liberal and conservative media drawing from that, asks what is more important to the public, Environment or Economy. A pilot study of the American public is currently on going. It has shown that the concern for the environment is in decline. My pilot study has shown that the media has influence over public opinion in American. What is true for Paris? Paris is the hegemony of Western Europe, which makes it a city of global importance. Globally important cities, such as Paris, will provide an answer to a global issue such as global warming-climate change. Paris, the capital of France, is the center of influence in the European Union’s Policy. Using interview research, I will ask, what is more important to Parisians, the environment or the economy? Hypothesis: like the Americans in a global economic crisis, the Parisians will see the economy as more important than the environment. Null: Parisians will not see the economy as more important than the environment. The project will be recorded onto film then edited into a full-length documentary. A book will not accompany it.

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